Wednesday, April 15, 2009

People on the streets, da da dee doe dep

So I read the narrative pieces for today, and I was waiting for the part in the Rio story Joseph posted for the Robby Fisher conversation to come back into the story. Although I gave good 'ol Franklin a hard time in my last post, he was absolutely correct bringing up the shotgun image. Luckily, the very last sentence refrenced the Fisher conversation and all was well in the universe.
I liked the piece Jackie posted because it was both illuminating and humorous all at once. Gill was able to laugh at the fact that you could buy anything at the intersections and also show the huge disparity between the classes. I loved how it came back at the end when Mr. Bhogilal pulls out a plastic photo album that could be bought in the intersections, but it's filled with pictures of cars. Such a poignant juxtaposition.
From Jackie's article, I was intrigued by a link on the sidebar of a video of Christopher Hitchens getting waterboarded for a story. So I checked it out and it was disturbing how little he could stand it before he dropped the metal rod that meant it would all end. It lasted maybe 8 seconds. They were talking about fifteen on and off until they worked up to thirty, and I'm not sure if they meant seconds or minutes but either way, it's truly torture what the Guantanamo Bay prisoners endure. That flowed nicely into Elizabeth's article about Swift and his attempts to aid his client in Guantanamo Bay. It's a very long article.

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